Monday, July 29, 2024

A ludicrously overstated claim that Chapman University found 91% of Americans fear public speaking










There is an article by Jannik Linder at Gitnux on July 17, 2024 titled Statistics reveal widespread public speaking fear among individuals globally which contains a claim that:


“91% of Americans fear public speaking, according to a Chapman University study.”


But that is nonsense. Annually (except for 2020) from 2014 to 2023 Chapman University did their Chapman Survey of American Fears. They asked a random sample of U. S. adults about their fears at four levels: Not Afraid, Slightly Afraid, Afraid, and Very Afraid. In their press releases they reported the sum of percentages for Very Afraid and Afraid, as is shown above on a bar chart. Those nine values ranged from 23.3% (2017) to 34% (2022) with a mean of 27.9%. The claimed 91% is more than three times too high!










What if we added the percent for Slightly Afraid? On October 23, 2023 I blogged about What do American adults fear at some level? Results for the Grand Sum of Very Afraid + Afraid + Slightly Afraid levels (everything but the kitchen sink) in the ninth 2023 Chapman Survey of American Fears. Public speaking was ranked #44 at 65.0%. Results for all nine surveys are shown above in a second bar chart. They range from 57.9% (2017) to 69.2% (2022) with a mean of 62%. Compared with the mean, that 91% is 29% too high!


Another problem with this article is that although there is a long list of references they only contains links to home pages, like one for Chapman University.


In this article there also is a claim that:


“77% of people have anxiety about public speaking.”


On October 12, 2020 I blogged about Do 77% of Americans fear public speaking? No! That percentage described stage fright in Swedes who also had social anxiety disorder.


There is a second article, also by Jannik Linder at Gitnux and from July 17, 2024 titled New findings reveal staggering public speaking fears statistics impact globally. It doesn’t have the 91% claim, but does say:  


“Public speaking is the number one fear for 25.3% of people.”


If you look at my first bar chart, then you will see that this percentage really is a result from the 2014 Chapman Survey of American Fears!


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