Friday, June 7, 2024

A recent article about fears and phobias based on mediocre research





















I found a recent article at Medium on May 29, 2024 [by Dr. Rod Lamberts and Dr. Will Grant] titled What scares people these days, and where does your phobia rank? It previously was a 33-minute YouTube video from The Wholesome Show on March 14, 2024 also titled What scares people these days, and where does your phobia rank? But their research was just mediocre.


One of the sources they link to is the most popular post on this blog, one from October 27, 2009 titled The 14 Worst Human Fears in the 1977 Book of Lists: where did this data really come from? But they misread it, and said the original survey was from Burskin rather than R.H. Bruskin! They didn’t look around my blog for the almost 500 other posts about fears. I had discussed the difference in definitions for fears versus phobias in a post on December 8, 2019 titled Toastmasters press releases confuse a fear of public speaking with a social phobia. At 13:36 they correctly pointed out that more people fear it is not the same as people fear it more.


They also referred to an article about the 2020/2021 Chapman Survey of American Fears which is titled America’s Top Fears 2020/2021. I discussed that survey on September 27, 2021 with a post titled In the 2020/2021 Chapman Survey of American Fears public speaking was only ranked #67 (11.5%) out of 95 fears at the Very Afraid level. I pointed out that detailed results from the Chapman survey could be used to calculate Fear Scores and answer what people fear more.


But the 2020/2021 Chapman survey is not the most recent one – there have been two more. On October 20, 2023 I blogged about how Corrupt government officials (60.1%) was the most common fear in the ninth 2023 Chapman Survey of American Fears. Public speaking only was ranked #53 (28.7%).


The image of a nervous woman came from Openclipart.


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