Tuesday, June 4, 2024

There is an excellent web site with a Forest of Rhetoric from Gideon O. Burton at Brigham Young University















The web site is called Silva Rhetoricae (The Forest of Rhetoric) and it was updated in 2016. Another page titled Trees has the following divisions:


What is Rhetoric? Content/Form

Encompassing Terms: Kairos, Audience, Decorum

Persuasive Appeals: Logos, Pathos, Ethos

“Branches” of Oratory: Judicial, Deliberative, Epideictic

Canons of Rhetoric: Invention, Arrangement, Style, Memory, Delivery

Rhetorical Ability

Rhetorical Pedagogy: Rhetorical Analysis, Imitation, Rhetorical Exercises: Progymnasmata, Declamation

Categories of Change


I found a reference to it on page 296 at the back of Sam Leith’s 2012 book Words Like Loaded Pistols: Rhetoric from Aristotle to Obama. At Wikipedia you also can find a page with a Glossary of Rhetorical Terms.


The forest image was adapted from this one at Openclipart.


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