Saturday, September 28, 2024

In 2020 Grant Snider published a profusely illustrated book - I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf










Via interlibrary loan, from the Meridian Library, I obtained and am enjoying reading a delightful 2020 book with comics by Grant Snider titled I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf.  Grant is an artist with a day job as an orthodontist and he has a web site called Incidental Comics.


On September 19, 2024 I blogged about his 2022 book in a post titled A manifesto on what you should pay attention to – from a book on The Art of Living profusely illustrated with comic strips.


I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf has 14 sections where he confesses the following titles about books, reading, and writing on the indicated pages: 


I’m in love with books [Page 6]

I read in social situations [Page 14]

I will use anything as a bookmark [Page 20]

I confuse fiction with reality [Page 26]

I am wanted for unpaid library fines [Page 34]

I steal books from my children [Page 40]

I like my realism with a little bit of magic [Page 48]

I like to sniff old books [Page 56]

I am searching for a miracle cure for writer’s block

 [Page 64]

I care about punctuation – a lot [Page 72]

I will read the classics (someday) [Page 80]

I am writing The Great American Novel [Page 90]

I carry a notebook with me at all times [Page 102]

I write because I must [Page 112]

And he concludes: I hope you don’t mind me asking…can I borrow a few books?


Here are links to fifteen comics appearing in the book, as presented on web pages at his Incidental Comics site:


Other people’s bookshelves [page 12 and page 13]

The story coaster [page 27]

Story lines [page 31]

The writer’s block [page 32]

The cannon of literature [page 46 and 47]

The three Rays [page 52]

Story structures [page 55]

The book fair [page 63]

Poetic Justice [page 70]

Proofreader’s marks [page 73]

The ingredients of Shakespeare [page 81]

Day jobs of the poets [page 88]

Character development [page 96 and 97]

Strunk and White’s writer’s style guide {page 100 and 101]

Writing exercises [page 116 and 117]


My image was created from a Miss Muffet poster and bookshelf at Openclipart.


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