At Google Books I ran across a 1912 edition of Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. Page 687 has a definition for phobia:
“Any unreasonable or insane dread or fear. The word is employed as a suffix to many terms expressing the object which inspires the fear.”
It also has a list of almost a hundred phobias:
Air: aerophobia
Animals: zoophobia
Bacteria: bacteriophobia, microbiophobia
Bees: apiphobia, melissophobia
Being Alone: autophobia, monhophobia*
Being Buried Alive: taphephobia, taphophobia
Being Dirty: automysophobia
Being Egotistical: autophobia
Being Stared At: scopophobia
Blood: hematophobia, hemaphobia
Blushing: ereuthophobia
Body Odors: bromidrosiphobia
Cancer: carcinomatophobia
Cats: ailurophobia, gatophobia
Children: pediophobia
Cold: psychrophobia
Colors: chromatophobia
Crowds: ochlophobia
Dampness: hygrophobia
Daylight: phengophobia
Death: necrophobia, thanatophobia
Deformity: dysmorphophobia
Devil: demonophobia
Dirt: mysophobia, rhypophobia
Disease: nosophobia, pathophobia
Disorder: ataxiophobia
Dogs: cynophobia
Dolls: pediophobia
Draft: aerophobia, anemophobia
Drugs: pharmacophobia
Electricity: electrophobia
Elevated Places: acrophobia
Empty Rooms: cenophobia
Enclosed Space: claustrophobia, clethrophobia
Everything: panphobia*, panophobia, pantophobia
Fire: pyrophobia
Food: sitophobia
Gaiety: cherophobia
Glass: crystallophobia, hyalophobia*
God: theophobia
Heat: thermophobia
Heights: acrophobia
House: domatophobia
Human Beings: anthropophobia
Infection: molysophobia*, mysophobia
Itch: acariphobia*, scabiophobia
Lice: pediculophobia
Light: phengophobia, photophobia
Lightning: astrapophobia, keraunophobia
Love (in its physical expression): erotophobia
Making False Statements: mythophobia
Marriage: gamophobia
Men (males): androphobia
Moisture: hygrophobia
Monstrosities: teratophobia
Nakedness: gymnophobia
Names: onomatophobia
Noise or Loud Talking: phonophobia
Novelty: neophobia
Odors: osmophobia
Open Spaces: agoraphobia, cenophobia, kenophobia
Pain: algophobia, odynephobia
Parasites: parasitophobia, phthiriophobia
Places: topophobia
Poisoning: toxicophobia, iophobia
Pregnancy: maieusiophobia
Precipices: cremnophobia
Rabies: lyssophobia
Railways: siderodromophobia
Rivers: potamophobia
Sea: Thalassophobia
Self: autophobia
Sexual Intercourse: coitophobia, cypriphobia
Sexual Love: erotophobia
Sharp Objects: belonephobia, aichmophobia
Solitude: eremophobia
Speaking: lalophobia
Spirits: demonophobia
Standing Upright: stasophobia*
Stealing: cleptophobia
Stillness: eremophobia
Sun: heliophobia
Surgical Operations: ergasiophobia
Tabes Dorsalis: ataxophobia
Thirteen at Table: triakidekaphobia*
Thunder: ceraunophobia, keraunophobia, tonitrophobia
Touching or Being Touched: aichmophobia, haphephobia
Tuberculosis: phthisiophobia, tuberculophobia
Uncovering the Body: gymnophobia
Vehicles: amaxophobia
Vomiting: emetophobia
Wind: anemophobia
Walking: basophobia
Water: hydrophobia
Women: gynephobia
Work: ergasiophobia
Worms: helminthophobia
Seven of those phobias, indicated via an *, are not in a more comprehensive The Phobia List web page from 1995. Note that glossophobia isn’t on the list, Speaking: lalophobia is instead.
I colored in an image of a boy reading a big book found at Openclipart.