Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Being siloed is a problem for communication













On May 15th I blogged about My workshop presentation at the 2024 District 15 Toastmasters Conference on May 18, 2024 about Creating or Finding Great Table Topics Questions. I discussed questions on story prompts from a book which I previously blogged about on May 27, 2022 in a post titled Sixteen ideas for Table Topics speeches from The Moth. The Moth has both live storytelling events and a Radio Hour. But when I asked my audience of about forty if they had heard of that organization no one said yes.


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines siloed as:


“kept in isolation in a way that hinders communication and cooperation”


As shown above, communication includes public speaking, storytelling, and rhetoric. This blog has lots of coverage of storytelling (159 articles) but little in general about rhetoric (4 articles).   


The April 2024 issue of Toastmaster magazine has a cover story article by Caren S. Neile on pages 14 to 17 titled Bring Your Speech to Life with a Story. And the October 2019 issue has another article by Beth Black on pages 22 to 25 titled The Crafting of Eloquence and subtitled How rhetorical and literary devices turn basic communication into soaring works of art.


The image with siloes was adapted from this drawing from Pearson Scott Foresman at Wikimedia Commons.


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