Friday, May 24, 2024

If there was a no-fly zone at the South Pole, then you would have to drive there
















The web page for the conspiracy-friendly Coast to Coast AM show on May 22, 2024 titled Antarctica Mysteries / Ancient Aliens & Harmonics claims that Brad Olsen:


“….recounted his trip to Antarctica around five years ago and what he observed there. There is a no-fly zone over the South Pole, and he suggested this could be a cover-up for a giant hole in the ice, which Admiral Byrd allegedly reported as an aviator on his first flyover of the area.”


His claimed no-fly zone is nonsense (as is that giant hole in the ice). The transportation section of the Wikipedia page for the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station instead states that:


“The station has a runway for aircraft 12,000 feet (3,658 m) long. Between October and February, there are several flights per day of U. S. Air Force ski-equipped LC-130 Hercules aircraft from the New York Air National Guard, 109 AW, 139 AS Stratton Air National Guard via McMurdo Station to supply the station.”



















My brother-in-law and his co-workers operated a radio telescope there, and my sister once flew there. Back on June 7, 2011 I blogged about How many hats do you wear? And I included the above image of a souvenir hat from the station.


An image of snowmobilers was modified from this one at Yellowstone from Wikimedia Commons.


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