Andrew Dlugan just updated his Definitive List of public speaking blogs (on his Six Minutes blog) to also include those with Twitter Accounts. If you landed here and are wondering what other blogs cover public speaking and presentations, take a look at Andrew’s list.
Right now Joyful Public Speaking is #73 out of the 115 blogs listed. What does being #73 mean? I’m not really sure. If I consider #1 though #38 to be the “A list”, #39 through #76 to be the “B list”, and #77 through #115 to be the “C list”, then I could crow about barely being a “B list blogger.” How did I get on the list? I just emailed Andrew.
The writers of these blogs have diverse backgrounds. Some have written books, others have written magazine articles, or produced videos. There are speaking coaches, storytellers, professors, engineers, librarians, etc.
Those writers are located all over the world. For example, the first ten writers are in the following cities and countries:
Andrew Dlugan: Vancouver area, British Columbia, Canada
Lisa Braithwaite: Santa Barbara, California, USA
Bert Decker: San Francisco, California, USA
Garr Reynolds: Osaka, Japan
Olivia Mitchell: Wellington, New Zealand
Denise Graveline: Washington, DC, USA
Nancy Duarte: Mountain View, California, USA
Jan Schultink: Tel Aviv, Israel
Ian Griffin: Castro Valley, California, USA
Laura Bergells: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
There is also a “buffet” or magazine shelf of the most current five title lines from 82 items, mostly blogs, at Alltop: Speaking. I discussed this aggregated collection of RSS feeds in a post almost a year ago. Many of the blogs on Andrew’s list also are on Alltop. However, Alltop also includes some other blogs or Twitter feeds.
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